Infos zum Yosemite NP

  • Yosemite National Park will be closed for days due to flooding from melting snow


  • Yosemite updates: Glacier Point Road reopens on weekends, Tioga Pass road stays closed


  • Kalifornien: Höchster Pass immer noch zu


  • Yosemite National Park Bringing Back Reservations But Not Until Next Year


    The most visited national park in California is bringing back reservations. A top Yosemite official says it’ll likely happen next year given the recent crowds. Summer months are always the busiest but it’s gotten worse since reservations ended in November with parking lots filling up fast. Just last week, some waited up to five hours to get in. A permanent policy wouldn’t happen until 2025, after the park’s Visitor Access Management Plan ends next year.


  • Yosemite's Tioga Road to open with flooding, no food, water, fuel


  • Have you seen these giant piles of rocks at Yosemite? Rangers say knock 'em down


  • Opa (93) erklimmt mithilfe von Sohn und Enkelin Berggipfel


    Der 93-Jährige absolvierte die Besteigung zusammen mit seinem 57-jährigen Sohn Jon und seiner 19-jährigen Enkelin Sidney.

    Der 93-jährige Everett Kalin ist der "älteste bekannte Kletterer" am Half Dome des Yosemite. Everett Kalin beschloss, am 18. Juli den Half Dome des Yosemite zu besteigen. Nach Angaben des National Park Service benötigen die meisten Wanderer für die Tageswanderung zum Half Dome 10 bis 12 Stunden, und man geht davon aus, dass Kalin nun der älteste Mensch ist, der diesen Gipfel bestiegen hat.

    "Wenn man auf die 90 zugeht, denkt man: 'Was würde ich gerne mal machen?' Ich schätze, der Half Dome war das, was mir am meisten in den Sinn kam."

    Der 93-Jährige absolvierte die Besteigung zusammen mit seinem 57-jährigen Sohn Jon und seiner 19-jährigen Enkelin Sidney. Die beiden trugen die gesamte Ausrüstung, so dass der Großvater nur mit einer Wasserflasche auf dem Rücken wandern konnte.

    Link mit Bildern von der Besteigung

  • Huge, growing crack splits Yosemite cliff, raising rockfall danger and forcing trail closure


  • New Yosemite Valley Welcome Center is Now Open in Yosemite National Park


    Yosemite National Park officials report that the Yosemite Valley Welcome Center is now open!

    This facility is our new hub for visitor orientation in Yosemite Valley. Inside you’ll find NPS rangers and volunteers for park information and a @yosemiteconservancy operated bookstore, and since it’s part of the Village Store complex adjacent to the central parking lot, no hike across Yosemite Village is necessary to get your question answered. We’re open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, so come drop on by. It’s even got a nice view looking up at Glacier Point.

    As for the old Yosemite Valley Visitor Center, its transformation into the new Yosemite Exploration Center is well under way. Stay tuned for further announcements about it this season, but while we install expanded exhibits in the vacated space, know that the adjoining Yosemite Conservancy bookstore, in addition to the nearby Yosemite Theater and Museum remain open.

    The welcome center and forthcoming Yosemite Exploration Center are made possible in part by the generous support of Yosemite Conservancy donors.


  • Yosemite Requiring Reservations for Horsetail Fall Event


  • Yosemite National Park Announces Park Entry Reservation Pilot for Summer 2024


  • Yosemite Wilderness


  • Yosemite Got 45 Inches of Snow During Storm


  • Captivating Firefall At Yosemite National Park: Photo Of The Day


    Mike Jay photographed the incredible firefall in Yosemite National Park. The phenomenon happens when "the sunlight streams through the thin sliver of Horsetail Falls, turning it molten orange," according to the Park Service. The fleeting glow occurs about 5 to 15 minutes before sunset and the Park Service warns that a single cloud can ruin the effect.

    Link zum Photo

  • Yosemite National Park wants guests to stop leaving their used toilet paper behind


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