Infos zum Canyonlands NP

  • Ab dem 1.9.2013 ändert sich der "Backcountry Reservation Process" - das betrifft auch diejenigen, die zB im Needles Destrict eine 4WD-Tagestour unternehmen wollen.

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    Potash Road
    Die Potash Road wird vom 10.6.-22.6.13 gesperrt.
    Die Reparaturarbeiten gehen nach dem 22.6. weiter und man sollte Verzögerungen bis zu 45 min erwarten.

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  • Moin Otto,

    habe mir soeben mal die Current Conditions anschauen wollen, leider öffnet sich nur eine mehr oder weniger leere Seite.
    Soll das heißen alles offen??

    Ich bin einer guten Woche in der Gegend um Moab/Arches/Canyonlands.
    Gerne würde ich mit unserem Mopped die Potash Road, Shaver Trail usw. befahren.

    Vielleicht kannst Du mir einige Infos über die akt. Lage geben?
    Der Dirk

  • in einem sehr schlimmen Zustand. Habe abgebrochen die zu fahren, weil es keinen Spaß mehr gemacht hat.

    Hm, wenn DU etwas abbrichst denke ich der Zustand ist wirklich schlecht. Vielleicht hast du auch nur einfach das falsche Auto *KLICK* :D

    Trotzdem weiterhin viele POIs die sich melden während der Fahrt :thumbup:

  • Utah Canyonlands National Park Trail Floods
    Officials are warning Canyonlands National Park visitors that part of the White Rim trail in eastern Utah is impassable because of flooding from a nearby river.


    Officials are warning Canyonlands National Park visitors that part of the White Rim trail in eastern Utah is impassable because of flooding from a nearby river.
    Canyonlands National Park official Mary Wilson said on Wednesday that a combination of heavy rain and snow runoff has caused the Green River to rise.
    Wilson says this type of water level rise is fairly standard for this time of year. She says she hasn't heard of anyone being stranded because of the flooding.
    Park service officials say they don't know exactly how long the western part of the trail will be impassable.



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    liebe Grüße von Stefan :)


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  • Der National Park Service hat die Pläne zur Erhöhung der Eintrittspreise vor- und zur Diskussion gestellt. Viele von uns wird das nicht betreffen, da sich nur die Einzeleintritte bzw. die für ein Motorrad erhöhen sollen. Der Preis für das "Private Vehicle" bleibt gleich. Die Erhöhung um 20 bzw. 33% ist aber schon recht hoch.


    In diesem Sinne
    liebe Grüße von Stefan :)


    Wer unsere Reisen nach- und miterleben möchte, ist hier jederzeit willkommen!
    Bei 32.png kleinen und großen Stammtischtreffen dabei

  • BLM Planning Oil And Gas Lease Auction Near Canyonlands National Park


    Conservationists are warning that an oil and gas lease auction the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has scheduled for September includes parcels near Canyonlands National Park in Utah, some which could be seen from the park's Horseshoe Canyon annex.
    According to the National Parks Conservation Association, the lease auction affects nealry 160,000 acres near Canyonlands. The BLM offered a 10-day period for comment that ends August 6.
    “Rather than striking a balance between energy development and national park protection, this administration continues to lease first, and ask questions later. Cutting out the public from public lands decisions is having serious impacts in Utah and this time puts Canyonlands, one of the nation’s iconic national parks, at risk," said Jerry Otero, NPCA's Southwest energy program manager. “The exclusion of a public comment period on the anticipated environmental impacts from development on lands that will affect Canyonlands National Park, which sees nearly 800,000 visitors, is backwards.
    “What are we saying about the value of our parks when we are willing to risk these unique landscapes and protected places for the sake of short-term development?," he added. "The BLM must seriously weigh the many non-drilling uses of shared landscapes that are critical to supporting the immediate and long-term integrity of these special places.”
    Canyonlands National Park, a designated International Dark Sky Park, welcomed more than 740,000 visitors in 2017. Visitors contributed more than $44 million in tourism spending to local economies and supported more than 600 jobs. The larger constellation of leases puts at risk the remote nature of the area and its dark skies and natural quiet, in addition to elevating air pollution by drastically increasing industrial traffic on rural roads in southern Utah, NPCA said.

    This lease sale by the BLM adds to a growing list of proposed oil and gas development on BLM land near national parks, which since the start of 2017 has included parcels near Dinosaur and Hovenweep national monuments, and Zion, Great Sand Dunes, and Theodore Roosevelt national parks.


  • Vandalism at False Kiva: Canyonlands Closes Access


    A disturbing trend over the past several years has been visitors in national parks visiting less traveled areas and not respecting the beauty and resources that these natural and culturally important destinations deserve. With the wanderlust culture and the demystifying of areas via social media tourism, previously unknown and culturally significant places are becoming public attractions with the inevitable issues that go along with some individuals that simply don’t respect the destinations themselves.
    The newest area to be vandalized is in Canyonlands National Park where the False Kiva is located (pictured above by Ryan Smith). According to sources at the Canyonlands National Park, there were two incidents that have caused the closure in early August. First, an unknown party or individual started a fire within the kiva itself and then used the ashes to place hand prints at the site. Sometime afterwards, another visitor attempted to clean up the kiva and disrupted the area even more. As a photographer that sees these areas in person several times a year, it is appalling at the disrespect that some individuals seem to have towards our natural and culturally distinct wonders, especially in these protected areas.
    False Kiva is a Class II Archeological site that is protected more by its unmarked status than anything else. It is not necessarily easy to reach as it’s not on any national park maps as a result of this status. It takes a certain amount of intention to find and experience False Kiva, which with websites and social media starting to share these locations, has now helped in some small part to disturb and now close such a beautiful piece of history. With national parks becoming more conscious of the loss of history due to actions like vandalism, personal experiences are becoming more limited to protect these areas, which may not be what we as photographers want but what the conservation of these areas require.
    Leave No Trace principals and the ethics of exploring natural areas are consistently iterated throughout the national parks through signage, pamphlets, and from the National Park Service rangers. At the entrance of every park these expectations are given to every visitor. Conservation starts with the individual and educating groups consistently and repeatedly that as these places are explored we are liable for their continued existence. It’s every person's, photographer or not, to help conserve these areas for future generations to experience.


  • Canyonlands, Arches Reopen Visitors' Centers


    Arches and Canyonlands national parks in southeastern Utah have reopened their visitor centers that have been closed due to the federal government shutdown.
    Parks officials said in Facebook posts that donations from the Canyonlands Natural History Association allowed visitor centers at Arches National Park and the Island in the Sky district of Canyonlands National Park to open daily 9 a.m.-to-4 p.m.
    Efforts are underway at both parks to clear roads and sidewalks but the status of roads could depend on weather conditions. The Utah Department of Transportation says it’s working with park officials to reopen roads.


  • Exploring Canyonlands The River Way

    Link mit Bildern

  • Hiking into a place so undisturbed that it’s a government secret

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    Und wo die Location sich befindet, wird in dem Bericht nicht verraten! :zwinker:

  • Updated Climbing Closures and Regulations for Arches and Canyonlands National Parks


  • Permits Required for Boating in Canyonlands National Park


  • The Maze Overlook Trail Is The Single Most Dangerous Hike In All Of Utah


    Hiking in Utah is a popular activity, and really, it’s no wonder why. We have some of the best scenery in the country, and most trails in Utah are accessible year-round. There are tons of beginner hikes here that are great for families or novice hikers. But what about once you’ve graduated past easy walking trails and want something a little more challenging? Don’t fear, there are plenty of more challenging hikes in Utah to check out!

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