Infos zum Canyonlands NP

  • Storm, flash flood damages State Rt. 211 in Dry Valley

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  • Hikers stranded in cave for hours during flash flooding in Canyonlands NP

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  • Wie Otto schon im August geschrieben hatte :) ... die SR211 ist beim Abzweig von der HW191 immer noch gesperrt bzw. wird umgeleitet via Monticello und die paved Forest Route.
    Für uns machte das zum Glück keinen großen Unterschied (wir haben eh in Monticello übernachtet), aber wer von Moab aus zur Needles Section will, muss länger fahren. Die Straße selber lässt sich gut fahren, ist durchgehend geteert und ein bissel kurvig. Morgens und abends waren aber viele Rehe und Truthähne unterwegs. Höchster Punkt waren ca. 2700 Meter.
    Man kommt dann ein Stückel vor dem Newspaper Rock wieder auf die SR211.

  • Shafer Trail Road Will Close Intermittently for Required Maintenance in October and November


    Shafer Trail Road will close intermittently for required maintenance October 24-27, October 31-November 3, and November 7-10 (Mondays through Thursdays). The closure applies to all use including mountain bikes, motorcycles, four-wheel-drive vehicles and hikers.

    The road will reopen for public use at 4 p.m. each Thursday and stay open through weekends, closing again at 7:30 a.m. Monday mornings. This project will repair tread surfaces and road shoulders damaged by significant rain events this year. Visitors will still be able to access the White Rim Road via Potash Road during these closures.

    The four-wheel-drive Potash Road and White Rim Road can be challenging.Visitors are encouraged to plan ahead and seek out alternative routes during the closures


  • Rockfall blocks White Rim Road in Canyonlands National Park


    Last weekend, precipitation and daily freeze/thaw temperatures triggered a sizable rockfall in Canyonlands National Park. The rockfall damaged a section of the White Rim Road in the Island in the Sky district, north of the Labyrinth campsites. Several large boulders are entirely blocking the roadway.

    The White Rim Road is temporarily closed to all traffic between the park boundary at Mineral Bottom and the Labyrinth campsites. This closure applies to all visitors including vehicle or motorcycle drivers, bicyclists, and hikers. The closure will remain in effect until park staff can remove the boulders, repair the damaged roadway, and assess the stability of the cliffs above. Signage will be posted at turn-around points to the north and south.

    Traditionally, winter precipitation and freezing temperatures can also cause temporary winter closures of the Shafer Trail, Flint Trail, or other four-wheel-drive roads in the park. Travelers are advised to always check the Road Conditions page of the park website for updates when planning a trip.

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